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Solve an equation using a python numerical solver in numpy
In conventional mathematical notation, your equation is The SciPy fsolve function searches for a point at which a given expression equals zero (a "zero" or "root" of the expression). You'll need to provide fsolve with an initial guess that's "near" your desired solution.

Simplest way to solve mathematical equations in Python
If the equations require integer solutions, you should search for Diophantine equation solvers for Python. Just note that using a simple solver for Project Euler is missing the point. The fun, and educational part, is learning how to solve it yourself using primitive methods!

math - How to Solve Equations with java? - Stack Overflow
"LU decomposition is computationally efficient only when we have to solve a matrix equation multiple times for different b; it is faster in this case to do an LU decomposition of the matrix A once and then solve the triangular matrices for the different b, than to use Gaussian elimination each time."

matlab - solving equation using octave - Stack Overflow
I have a simple equation I'm trying to solve. num1=-2 num2=-3 x+num2=num1 x+-3=-2 x=1 How can I do this in octave. In matlab I can do y = solve('x-3 = -2') but this doesn't work in octave 3.8.1 which is the version I'm using. How can I get octave to solve these types of equations? I'm interested in the numeric value for a solution.

Is there a python module to solve linear equations?
Solve equation with 3 variables. 1. Solving a linear-quadratic system of equations, both graphically and ...

How can I solve equations in Python? - Stack Overflow
If you only want to solve the extremely limited set of equations mx + c = y for positive integer m, c, y, then this will do: import re def solve_linear_equation ( equ ): """ Given an input string of the format "3x+2=6", solves for x. The format must be as shown - no whitespace, no decimal numbers, no negative numbers.

How to solve an equation for a given variable in R?
This is equation a <- x * t - 2 * x. I want to solve this equation for t. So basically, set a = 0 and solve for t. I am new to the R packages for solving equations. I need the package that solves for complex roots. The original equations I am work with have real and imaginary roots. I am looking for an algebraic solution only, not numerical. I ...

python - NotImplementedError in Sympy's solve - Stack Overflow
When you run into this issue where an equation can't be solved by manipulation of symbols (solving analytically), it's possible that it can still be solved by trying different numbers and getting to (or very close to) the correct answer (solving numerically).

How can I solve system of linear equations in SymPy?
How to solve matrix equation with sympy? 4. Solving a system of equation with Sympy, python2.7. 0.

math - Solving a linear equation - Stack Overflow
Provided you have N distinct equations, you can always solve for N variables. I say distinct because these two are not: 7a + 2b = 50 14a + 4b = 100 They are the same equation multiplied by two so you cannot get a solution from them - multiplying the first by two then subtracting leaves you with the true but useless statement: 0 = 0 + 0



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