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graphing functions - Examples of funny graphs - Mathematics Stack Exchange
graphing-functions; Share. Cite. Follow asked Nov 7, 2017 at 12:40. user42912 user42912. 23.9k 25 25 gold ...
Making the Mandelbrot Fractal in Desmos Online Graphing Calculator
I manually entered the 8 equations from the video into the Desmos Graphing Calculator: However, not only does the graph (set of equations) I have made not look like the first graph - when I zoom into the graph I made, I don't see any repeating fractal patterns.
An equation that generates a beautiful or unique shape for motivating ...
The reason why I post this question is not only for fun or the sake of curiosity but it is also to motivate my students and kids around me to like and to learn mathematics more enthusiastic because motivating students to be enthusiastically receptive is one of the most important aspects of mathematics education.
Graphing a flower with polar and parametric equations
When I started thinking about that, parametric equations seemed like the obvious way to plot only specific pieces of a function. I set about writing $22$ sets of equations of the form $$\begin{align} x_n&=r_n\cos\theta \\ y_n&=r_n\sin\theta \end{align}$$ as suggested by amWhy's answer to this question.
Graphing Fractals With Equations - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Try to go through the steps with me and play around with the equations and buttons to select equations, this will make everything clear. First, deselect everything except for the equation for $(T(t),S(t))$. Clearly, that is a parametric equation for this red triangle. Now, the equation just below gives an inverted rescaled version of that triangle.
Problem graphing equations - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Problem graphing equations. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 9 months ago. Modified 6 years, 9 months ago.
Graphing parametric equation software? Desmos/Mathematica/ other math ...
Graphing parametric equation software? ... I find Desmos incredibly handy for visualizing paramtric ...
Graphing a function of 4 variables - Mathematics Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
graphing equations of - Mathematics Stack Exchange
I can see by using a graphing calculator that the curves are sideways parabolas (hyperbolas?) and I can set the equations equal to each other to find the intersection points $(-3,3)$, $(0,0)$ I would then find the area by integrating $\ \int_{0}^{3} {[(2y-y^2) - (y^2-4y)]} dy$ which I calculated to be 9.
graphing functions - Is there any equation for triangle? - Mathematics ...
Each of these equations produces a solution set which encompasses both a ray, originating from the point $(x_0, y_0)$ and travelling in the direction $(mx, my)$, and a second ray originating from the same point and travelling parallel to one of the axes (x-axis for the first formula, y-axis for the second). If you AND these two formulas ...
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